Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
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Crisis Addiction Counseling
Crisis Addiction Counseling (CAC) is an early recovery program for any adult who wants to stop using alcohol or drugs. The program last 12 weeks and participants are awarded a certificate after completion. The program includes three groups a week: process, psycho-education, and life skills, with individual counseling on request.
Crisis Access Point
Provides screening and linkage services for adults entering the system of care through an acute psychiatric hospitalization. Services are recovery-oriented and include assessment, intensive case management, medication support, individual therapy, and substance use disorder treatment. Linkage is provided to outpatient mental health teams and community providers.
Freise Hope House Liaisons
Provide screening, linkage, and brief case management for individuals entering the system of care through a stay at the Freise Hope House (FHH). Services are recovery-oriented and include assessment, intensive case management, medication support, individual therapy and substance use disorder treatment. Linkage is provided to outpatient mental health teams and community providers. FHH is a short-term, voluntary, mental health crisis resident program licensed by the State of California and run by Crestwood Behavioral Health Inc.
Adult Wraparound
Provides distinct services through inpatient and outpatient programs for adults currently served by the system of care. The inpatient program provides one-time hospital discharge planning assistance at the request of the primary treatment team. The outpatient program provides six-eight weeks of intensified mental health services at the direction of the primary team. Wraparound services are intended to augment mental health services provided by primary outpatient teams and to reduce crises and hospitalizations through intensified case management/linkage, interventions, and individual counseling.